Emotional Design

[Video] Reflection
Emotional Design video, presented by Don Norman, is about how beauty, fun, pleasure and emotion is reflected on design. Don Norman, who is an anthropologist of modern life, talks about the three man ways on making a good design. He opens up the talk by stating that products that are pretty and beautiful, people will want it because of that reason. However, he mentions the Global Knife made in Japan and states how this knife is beautiful but yet very functional and therefore it’s reflective design.

The Mini Cooper was quoted in the New York Times that “it is a car that has many faults... buy it anyways”. Norman took a test drive and describes how it was such a fun car to drive, it was neat, round design and all the controls work fine. My mother personally doesn’t like this car for the reason that it’s not a good car, “it doesn’t even go that fast” she says, but I’ve always disagree with her. I, myself, really like the Mini Cooper for the same reason that Norman liked it. This really made me think that sometimes beauty dominates over usability. Norman quotes that:

“Pleasant things work better...”

Norman then talks about fear and anxiety. Intense fear puts you in the depth-first-processing, causes you to be more in focus and not be distracted. From studying an experiment performed by an psychologist, Norman explains when you are happy, you become a breadth-first problem solver therefore thinking outside the box and become a better designer. Norman then explains the three levels of processing emotion to creating a good design:

In design you can express this level through different type fonts and colours which express emotions and feelings such as red for hot and exciting. Or that you buy water not for the water, but for the bottle it’s packaged in. This is true because I know I buy water only for the pretty bottles.

This is the middle level of processing. Automatic behaviour and skilled behaviour is all subconscious control by the behavioural side. Behavioural design is all about feeling ion control; usability and understanding. It is why the Global Knife is a good product because you have the feeling of total control when cutting.

This is the 3rd level, and it’s the voice in your head that is the main thing behind your consciousness. Examples that Norman gives is buying the new GM car to save the environment, and you’ll buy it to save the environment even though it’s expensive and might not even work properly. Or buying a nice branded watch, but it won’t even work well compared to a watch that is $1200 cheaper but is ugly.

Norman sums up stating that emotion makes you accepts things you see. Throughout this video, I was agreeing with everything that Norman was saying because it’s all true. Sometimes I would buy something just for the sake that it looks pretty and so I can relate to this video a lot and it’s interesting because I never knew of this emotion in reflective design until now.


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