Human Centred Design

[Video] Reflection:
The Human centred Design video is presented by David Kelley, who is the the founder of the well known IDEO. His company and himself are known as the leading innovating designs that they have produced for all kinds of clients. In this video, he talks about how recently, in the new century, that products are more and more heavily based on human interactions. He quotes:
 "Product design has become much less about the hardware and more about the user experience."

He mentions how products are designed by the personality and behaviour of humans. The products design firms are creating of today are not communicated through typical 3D modelling and rendering, but instead they're actually making the product/prototype and bringing them to life to prove their point, to show their clients how the product works. This just shows how much products are very human centered that  to show ideas it must be implemented straight away.

David Kelley present us a few products and innovations, through short videos, that design firms had made in the past year that are centred around human interactions.

One of the projects David worked on himself, was reinventing the Prada store in New York. I was particularly interested in this as I found it amazing how innovative design can collaborate with fashion, making it an out-of-this-world-experience. The Prada project is about how they want to make the store not only just a retail outlet, but have culture drawn into it as well. This meant designing customised devices, such as scanners used to scan on any clothing item in the store so the customer can be informed on everything about that clothing item. Changing rooms have scanners as well so it can be displayed on a touch screen and customer can find out more information. They've turned the whole store so customers can receive all the information they want about the brand with such ease.

This was another project I found interesting, on how they can improved the regular office cubicle into so much more. So having your cubicle be more equipped for you, and therefore having a better working environment so you can produce better work. The final cubicle involves a orange lights with shows the sun path throughout the day so you can experience that in the comfort of your own office.

A company has created a device for people to experience what scuba divers experience without even getting wet. People on boats now can see what their floating on through the Spyfish, with watching on a screen with fluent graphics which also informs you on the depth and compass heading. It even includes the sounds of the sea with ambient sounds to completely lose yourself underwater, all in the power of your hands with a simple wireless remote.

It's amazing what can be designed with simple ideas and different purposes that are intended. It really paves the pathway for future innovation and from here, you can predict that technology and design will create the world onto devices that are all human interactive to make our everyday lives easier and experience things we could never experience before.


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